
5 Reasons Your Business Cant Afford to NOT Have Black Belt Recruiting

I was not prepared for all the eye opening moments Mike Dillard and Mark Wieser provided me in their Black Belt Recruiting series. I am thankful for the effect it had on me and how I interact with the people that are interested in what I have to offer. It is only wise, if we are to be successful on line, to invest in the knowledge we need to understand the mindset of the people we are looking for to be a part of our business. There is just no way out of this if you are serious. It's just a fact that by investing your money in gaining the proper marketing knowledge, YOU increase your value to others online. I can truthfully say that investing my money and my time Black Belt Recruiting was well worth both.It's funny, but I didn't really understand the value of investing in me until a few things happened. It was by taking the time to really learn the principles of Attraction Marketing that brought me my first Real list of eager people. It was through the leverage of a Funded Proposal system and killer training I was able to deliver a lot of value to the people on my list. Now, I always make a place available for people to leave their number and I make sure that they can get in Iphone 4s Expand Keyboard touch with me. Why? People can tell if you really care or if you are just trying to get a name and email. What a thrill it was when people wanted me to call them as my list started to grow. It was at this moment that I was so glad that I had invested in BBR. I devoured the book and listened to the audios over and over. As I was reading the book, and listening to Mike and Mark discuss how they talk to people on the phone and the psychology behind it, I quite literally gained years of experience is just a few short days. Here are a few of the valuable lessons that I learned to apply:1. How to be Invited. Nail Pen A. Phone solicitors are always looked at as Intruders. B. An invited guest is ALWAYS welcome. 2. How to listen intently. A. Everyone has a "Hot Button" B. Only by paying attention can you learn what those "Hot-Buttons" are. 3. How to NEVER Sell A. By listening and knowing how to respond and they will sell themselves. B. It must be THEIR idea to buy! 4. How to make Yourself the Obvious Choice over Everyone Else A. If you are the best choice and they know it, you job becomes VERY easy.5. How to respond to EVERY objection. A. There is a short and easy answer to ALL objections B. Your posture alone will kill most objections.(It is hard to really say how valuable this section was and continues to be for me)In addition to learning so much valuable information there is another benefit to actually hearing their tone of voice, and their impromptu comments. You really get to experience what it sounds like to be completely confident in what you have to say, without ever sounding rude. As a result of the seeing the potential contained in the combination of Magnetic Sponsoring and Black Belt recruiting, many Internet Millionaires have been born. These are the times in which it is imperative to have the information available to help the myriads of people seeking to secure their financial future. I highly recommend this Dynamic Duo to be the foundation you lay for your understanding of internet marketing; it will save you a lot of time and give you a lot of wisdom before you spend any more money unnecessarily.

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