
AXIGEN Reporting Service Configuration and Integration with Cacti

This extensive article describes in full details how to properly configure the AXIGEN reporting service, including the steps for adding AXIGEN activity charts, configuring the SNMP service and integrating the AXIGEN reports within the Cacti network graphing solution.As with all modern email servers, AXIGEN also provides graphical reporting charts to monitor the server's health and display its status in a quick fashion. This feature has been designed to provide servers administrators with great Wholesale Sexy Babydolls flexibility and an extensive range of parameters to monitor. For this purpose, a graphical representation offers a faster and more detailed view of what exactly is going on with the services provided by the AXIGEN Mail Server.Another alternative would be using complicated command-line tools and commands to search for the needed information, a time consuming action that would also take a lot of server resources that could otherwise be redirected to other tasks. In this respect, the reporting feature does not cause a visible overhead since it is based on data that is recorded in real-time at an user adjustable interval, and not on processing log files. It offers access to the information Wholesale Sexy Babydolls in a fine-grained fashion, with a low resource usage.By reading this article, you will find out how to make best use of the AXIGEN reporting service, including the steps for adding AXIGEN performance charts, configuring SNMP parameters and integrating the AXIGEN Mail Server reports within the Cacti network graphing solution.1. Reporting Configurations based on Frequently Used Parameters1.1 Enabling the AXIGEN Reporting ServiceFirst, you need to enable the Reporting service using the Web Administration interface (WebAdmin):Login to the WebAdmin interface and click on the Services drop-down menu;Click on the Services Management tab at the top;Locate the Reporting service in the displayed list of AXIGEN running services and click on its corresponding START button.1.2 Chart Configuration StepsNow that the Reporting service is enabled, you can further navigate to the Status and Monitoring tab in WebAdmin and configure your first chart:Click on the Status & Monitoring drop-down menu;Click on the Charts tab.When first viewing the Charts page, a list of pre-configured charts and their corresponding groups will be displayed. These charts are automatically created by AXIGEN and record information based on common parameters that frequently interest server administrators, such as the system load average, the quantity of messages stored in the queue or number of HTTP user messages read, SMTP inbound messages, SMTP outbound total connections, IMAP total connections, POP3 total connections and much more. Clicking on one of the Chart Groups on the left will result in displaying all the charts assigned to that specific group and enable you to edit or delete them. 1.3 Adding Charts in AXIGENAs previously explained, the AXIGEN reporting service can be configured to monitor various parameters of interest. As a hands-on example, the following charts will detail the quantity of messages processed by the SpamAssassinBundled filter, depending on their status.Example: Car Black Box Defining a chart that displays the quantity of messages passing the SpamAssassinBundled filter with the verdict of Spam:1.4 Chart Display SettingsIn the Predefined Styles section, you can use different chart types, filling and outlining colors for configuring the graph details of the chart. Additionally, a live preview of the current chart is available. 2. How Chart Information Is Collected & ProcessedNow we will detail how the AXIGEN Mail Server collects and processes chart data and how various settings can influence the display of the charts. This will help you in the process of understanding and reading the defined charts, and further help in the process of creating new charts based on the available parameters.When the sample interval is reached (default: once every minute), AXIGEN performs the Bluetooth Headsets following operations:Increases or decreases all the SNMP counters based on the read parameter information;Stores all the parameter information based on which charts can be created;The AXIGEN configuration file is checked for defined charts;After all the defined charts are inventoried. The Wholesale Sexy Babydolls remaining parameter data that does not correspond to a defined chart is discarded;If the aggregation interval is reached, the aggregation function is applied on the previously recorded values of the remaining parameters. The resulted value is written in the defined chart's database used for displaying charts;If the aggregation interval is not reached, then the recorded values of the parameters are stored in memory Wholesale Sexy Babydolls with each sample interval until the aggregation interval is reached.For more information on configuring the AXIGEN Reporting Service, including the steps for setting the SNMP service and integrating the AXIGEN reports within the Cacti network graphing solution, please visit:AXIGEN Reporting Service Configuration and Integration with Cacti

